Welcome to Meadowland Irises



Any iris orders received from mid April 2024 onwards, will be posted December onwards depending on when they bloomed.

Bearded Iris need at least half a day of sun and must have good drainage.  Plant in clumps for stunning effect.  They will thrive in most well drained garden soils. Please refer to the Care Sheet for further information. 

Every care will be taken in the preparation of your order but if a mistake should occur, please let us know. 

I would suggest you follow our Meadowland Irises Facebook page as I advise followers first when they are available, before advertising elsewhere. 

PLEASE NOTE:  When ordering on the website, the postage is calculated AFTER you have inserted your address and will include rural delivery fee, if applicable.  Please make sure you enter your Rural Delivery Number e.g. R.D. 9.    Please refer to the Shipping page for further information.



No Pre-Orders will be taken this year as I will be away overseas from September till early November.  On my return I will assess whether to dig the dahlias at that time or leave in the ground for another year.

I would suggest you follow our Meadowland Irises Facebook page as I advise followers first when they are available before advertising elsewhere.  


Please click on SHOP above to see our selection of wonderful bearded irises and Dahlias.

Member of NZ Iris Society, Treasurer of NZ Iris Society Bay of Plenty Group

Member of Rotorua Dahlia Group

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